Finding a way to connect my Latino heritage with my passion for Classical Music has been a continual pursuit in my musical training. Throughout both of my degree programs, studying cultures and music outside of the traditional Western European was always done in an academic setting. Meaning, we studied and analyzed the music, but there was little follow-through in performing that kind of music.
Now I’m not bashing my Classical training, but as a teacher I have made the effort to fill in the gaps that I experienced to make sure my students feel comfortable discovering, studying, and performing music by underrepresented composers. Here are some student favorites composed by Latino composers!
Btw, if you order Canción de Cuna through the blog link, I get a little commission, and you get a little discount at checkout. Or, use the code SIMPERMUSIC when you're ready to order through Flute Center of New York. You're welcome.
1. Poemeto (Poem) by Osvaldo Lacerda
"It literally sounds like what floating through a flowery meadow feels like."
Flute and piano
Great for practicing 6/8 and dotted rhythms
Mostly slurred with lots of accidentals
Short and sweet, great for recitals
Chance to practice rubato
2. Amor Perdido, Op. 9 (Lost Love Waltz) by Pattápio Silva
"It sounds mysterious, great for using that deep, warm tone in the melody!"
Flute and piano
Typical waltz style
Lots of slurred high notes
Easy to approach in the practice room
Simple key signature and piano accompaniment
3. Atrahente (Polka) by Chiquinha Gonzaga
"I loved that I could be both the melody and the harmony. It's fun, playful, and still a bit challenging."
Flute and piano (this is a flute duet version)
Short, peppy, and upbeat
Simple key signatures with few accidentals
Covers notes between low D and high A
Staccato and slurred articulation patterns
4. Canción de Cuna (Lullaby Song) by Samuel Zyman
"I like how straightforward this piece is. Even though there are a few high Cs, the main melody is really pretty."
Flute and piano
Mostly slurred, notes from low C to high C
Lyrical with a few upbeat sections
Simple rhythms and reasonable tempos
great for students getting comfortable with playing with piano
Which solo is your favorite?
Amor Perdido
Cancion de Cuna
Do you like these suggestions? Check out the blog and our Instagram page for more stuff!